Monday, April 12, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 1 (04/12/10)

I just got back from a week long vacation in Texas. I had a good time seeing my family and friends. As usual with that group of people there was lots of mirth and merriment i.e. food and booze. Now that my vacation is over I have to get back into training. Training for what? I don't About a year ago I was at my lowest weight since high school. I was about 255 lbs. I know that still sounds like a lot, but for a guy who maxed out at 345 lbs. it was quite an accomplishment. It was all natural too. No surgeries, no supplements (except for protein shakes) -- just diet and exercise. Well somewhere along the line I just let go. It pretty much started with my vacation last year. I went on an eating frenzy, and I never snapped out of it. I ate too much fast food and most of it late at night. Chris, my instructor at Laselva MMA, has been trying to motivate me this whole time. He's been great, but I haven't been keeping up my end. Well today that's changing. He always asks me if I'll be in class, and I always respond with, "I hope so," or, "I'm going to try." "Hopefully" and "try" are words that I have to eliminate from my vocabulary. Master Yoda said it best when he said, "Do or do not. There is no try." I couldn't put it any better. I'm not going to try and make it to class. I'm going to make it to class. I'm not going to hopefully try and lose weight. I'm going to lose weight. I'm going to keep the weight off. I'm going to get healthy. I'm going to stay healthy. Whether I like it or not I'm a role model to my nieces, nephews, and little cousins. I need to show them that a healthy lifestyle is the best choice for me and for them. Now that my vacation is over, it's time to get back to work. Today was day 1. I woke up this morning and weighed 312.2 lbs. My goal is to get somewhere -- anywhere -- between 180 and 220 lbs. I'm closer to my heaviest than I am to my goal. I made it to Chris' fitness class today, and I'll be there tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, and so on. I have a deal with a friend of mine. 45 days of working out without missing a day. That's the deal I made with her, but my own personal goal is 8 weeks without missing a day. That's 56 days of exercise. I've never made it more that 5 in a row. I'm not going to try and do it. I'm not hoping that I'll reach my goals. Simply put, I'm going to do it...I have to do it.

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