Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 2 (04/13/10)

Day 2 of this epic endeavor. I woke up and made it to class on time today. I'm already beating the odds, but no one threw a parade for me (I feel I deserve it). The class is mostly cardio, and it makes you sweat like a freaking hog. I guess that's why I weighed 306.6 lbs this morning when I woke up. 5 lb weight loss in one day? It's obviously water weight. I don't care; I'll take it.

I should probably discuss my diet here too. I'll be using principles from the Men's Health TNT diet. It starts off as a high protein, low carb diet for now. Eventually it will even itself out with some healthy carbs. I've done this diet before, and it was very effective. But then I hit that rough patch and threw everything to the wayside, and here I am 50 plus lbs heavier. The best part of this diet is that you can start off with lots of meat, fat, cheese, and pretty much whatever low starch veggies you want. Yesterday's breakfast was a roll of Jimmy Dean Sage sausage mixed with 7 eggs and 5 strips of turkey bacon. Sounds like a lot, huh? Well it was. I had some leftover, and I'll be eating it for breakfast today. For lunch I had some leftover chicken breast with whole wheat spaghetti mixed with sauteed spinach and onions. I know that's a carb, but I didn't want my leftovers to go to waste. During the day I snacked on some raw almonds and later some small pretzels. I know, more carbs! Give me a break. Man cannot live by protein alone. So that was it for yesterday. I came home and got a decent night's sleep. That's also very important for a healthy lifestyle. Get plenty of rest so your body has the energy to perform at its peak ability! And drink lots of water! Now, if someone could please help me off this high horse. I don't know how I got up here, but I'd appreciate some help getting down.

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