Monday, April 26, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 15 (04/26/10)

Today was the kind of day I needed. After missing my weigh in yesterday I was afraid to weigh myself today. I didn't have a particularly bad weekend, but it wasn't the greatest. There was some fast food and some boozing going on, and I was expecting the worst this morning. Well to my surprise I was down to 304.6 lbs. I'm definitely on track to break the glass floor of 300 lbs this week. Once I get below that, I'm staying below it.

I made it to class on time, and there were only a couple of other people there today. I prefer a smaller class for some reason. Maybe I'm just selfish. Chris gave us a pretty good workout today, and by the end of class I was tired and sweaty as usual. While I was doing my post workout stretch, Marcio Laselva invited me to take his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class again. My first instinct was to respectfully decline. I was really tired from Chris' class, but I really wanted to try Jiu-Jitsu. Against my better judgment, I respectfully accepted. I've sort of tried this class once before, but it was so long ago that I really don't count it. I only spent about 15 minutes in the class the first time around, but this time I intended to take the whole class. There was another guy who was trying it for the first time too, and Marcio teamed me up with him. We were going to practice armbars. Anyone who knows anything about Jiu-Jitsu knows that the armbar is a staple of this particular art of fighting, and it's a great submission hold. I was really excited to learn how to do it, and I was surprised to see how calculated the whole process was. I should have known better, but the guys on tv make it look so fast and easy. It took me a little while to get the moves down -- mostly because of my weight. My heft impeded some of my movements, and I was trying not to hurt the other guy. He wasn't putting forth the same effort for me. He didn't hurt me, but he wasn't going slow enough to ensure not hurting me. When I approach any class at my gym, I do it with ultimate humility. I'm there to learn and to lose weight. This new guy thought he knew some stuff, and said that if I wasn't so heavy, he'd be able to get out of my hold. Part of me wanted to teach him a lesson, but I knew it wasn't my place. I'm not skilled in this martial art, and so I just kept my cool. Luckily Marcio overheard this and called over another student. The guy he called over is only 130 lbs. He's much smaller than the guy I was practicing with. Marcio told the smaller guy to put the new guy in an armbar, and guess what? The new guy couldn't get out of it. He tried several times to escape, but each time he had to tap out. I was satisfied that he had learned his lesson. He and I went back to practicing, and guess what? The idiot didn't learn his lesson. Marcio let us practice for a little while longer, and then we watched the other guys roll for the last half of class. Despite having to deal with an overzealous newbie, I really enjoyed the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class. I would like to continue taking the class, but I still can't afford it at this time. I'm still waiting for that sponsor to come through.

All in all, I'm feeling really great right now. I'm excited at the major possibility of getting below 300 lbs this week. I had a good morning of exercise. The only thing that can kill my buzz is work. I have a couple of hours til then, so I need to try and squeeze in a little meditation and breakfast.

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