Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 13 (04/24/10)

Today makes the devil's dozen of days I've been working out. All that hard work adds up to 306.8 lbs. How is this possible? Come on everyone, you know what's going on. All the hard work I'm putting in at the gym is being sabotaged by my poor eating habits. I made a promise earlier this week not to eat fast food for the rest of the week. Guess what? That's right, folks, I lied. Not maliciously mind you; it's a weakness I'm working through right now. I see what it's doing to me, and I don't like it. I hit up Subway yesterday because I was too tired and lazy to make my own lunch, and then I stopped by Burger King after work. I was going to give y'all a line of b.s. about how I didn't eat until after midnight so technically the week was over and the weekend had begun, but I won't insult your intelligence. I broke my promise...plain and simple. The worst part of it was that I wasn't even that hungry last night when I went to Burger King. I was hungry, but I ordered the amount I usually get when I'm really hungry. This challenge is forcing me to take a closer look at my bad habits, and now I can see that it's not necessarily a physical need as much as a psychological one. If I can identify the source of this desire, maybe I can conquer it. This will require further study, and I'll report back all my non-scientific findings.

I went to bed last night with my window open because it felt so good outside, and I wanted to save a little dough on my electric bill. I woke up this morning to the sound of chirping birds. Sounds like a beautiful awakening, right? Normally it probably would be, but the birds wake up about an hour and a half before I normally do. I ignored them for as long as I could, but I couldn't take it. I closed my window, relieved my bladder, and tried to go back to sleep. No luck. I finally acquiesced and got out of bed and stayed up. Despite this early rising, I was late to the gym today, and Chris busted my chops a little about it. He was happy that I had made it everyday for the past 2 weeks, and he asked me if I was going to be there on Monday too (the gym is closed on Sundays). I told him I'd be there, and he told me not to fuck it up. He said once I started seeing results it would motivate me to keep working hard, and I told him my biggest problem was still my diet. He's doing all he can to help me, but my diet isn't his responsibility. It probably didn't help that I got a western burger combo from Spangles right after working out. I was thinking of getting 2 burgers, but after last night I really had to explore the difference between what I wanted and what I needed. Not that I needed a burger at all, but I knew that 1 was enough to fill me up, and eating 2 was just being gluttonous.

I have a lot to do this weekend, and I should be doing stuff right now. I'm so damn tired though. I'll probably jump in the shower, and take a nap. At least then I can I can tackle this weekend with some renewed vigor.

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