Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 4 (04/15/10)

It was a little easier waking up this morning. My iHome was blasting The White Stripes - Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground. It was loud enough to wake me up, but the song is so good that you just want to jam out to it. So I let the music play while I did my morning ablutions. I weighed in this morning at 303.2 lbs. Still going in the right direction. I don't want to get to gross here, but normally I evacuate before I go to class. That didn't happen today. I'm a little concerned about that because I don't want my schedule getting off kilter.

I feel like Chris took it a little easy on us today in class. I'm not complaining because I don't know how hard I could have pushed myself today. As usual we warmed up with 6 2-minute rounds of jumping rope. Then we did some bag work. Like I said before, that's still my favorite part. When I say Chris took it easy on us, that's not to say that the class was a piece of cake. Working the punching bags still takes a lot out of you, and if you're not careful, it'll take your breath away. When I'm punching, I can feel the stress it puts on my back and shoulder muscles. They start to burn, and I feel like I'm accomplishing something. You have to be careful how your hand lands on the bag too. There have been a few occasions when my hand landed wrong, and it really hurt my wrists. So after I left I nice little pool of sweat around my punching bag, we did some ab work. I was tired and out of breath when class finished. I was so happy to be done with the workout today. I rolled over on my belly to stretch out, and I heard, "Hey!" I looked up and saw Marcio Navarro (Nuh-va'-ho) -- the kickboxing instructor. He motioned for me to get on the mat with his other students. So I took the kickboxing class today too.

Kickboxing was fun and interesting. I realize that I'm completely uncoordinated, and I'd lose very quickly if I ever got into a fight. That being said, I can see that it uses different muscles than I'm used to using, and it uses the other muscles in a different way. I have a lot of work to do before I can really go toe to toe with those guys. My balance is terrible, my coordination is way off, and I'm not blocking correctly. I can't afford to take the class right now because of all my other bills, but I'd really love to. Jiu-Jitsu is another class I'm really interested in taking, but the whole money situation doesn't make that feasible at the moment either. If there are any sponsors out there who would like to change this, just give me a holler. We'll try and work something out.

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