Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 9 (04/20/10)

I weighed in at 306.4 lbs this morning. I wish I had more water weight to lose. I guess I'm dealing with the real fat now. I cheated again last night. I had some Burger King, and this time it tasted great. That's not good for someone who is trying to resist temptation. There's a taste that some burgers achieve (not all the time) when the mustard and tomato mix just right. I don't know what it does, but it's almost euphoric. That vinegary/tomatoey combination does it for me every time. Because of that I didn't get to bed on time. I started with that sleep deficit, and it was compounded this morning when my brother called me at 7 a.m. If that wasn't enough, my mom, niece, and nephews called me about 15 minutes later. Their intentions were good, but I really wanted my sleep. I couldn't fall back asleep. As hard as I tried, I just tossed and turned until my alarm went off. I was so sluggish this morning that I was a few minutes late to class.

Chris is back, and he gave us all a good workout. I'm surprised that I've been able to keep going to class this much. Normally I get burned out after about 3 days. I guess the constant work is keeping my muscles from allowing the soreness to settle in. Maybe I'll actually be able to keep this up after the 8 weeks are up. I just have to get my diet under control. I've heard that abs are made in the kitchen. I guess flab is made there too.

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