Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 37 (05/18/10)

I need to quit staying up so damn late. Didn't get to bed til about 2 a.m. again. The good news is that I woke up to 301 lbs. I still get nervous that this is my scale teasing me -- getting my hopes up -- just to pull the rug out from under me. I was especially surprised to see that weight since my morning ablutions weren't as productive as usual. I get concerned when that happens too. Maybe tomorrow the old digestive system will be back to normal; I just hope I don't have to go at work. I hate using public restrooms for the deuce. The diet hasn't been that spectacular either, but I'm at least cooking my own food. I had a big weekend of cooking, and now I don't have to worry about fast fooding it (yeah I verbed another noun). I actually enjoy cooking, but it's time consuming, and I have so much other crap to catch up on during the weekends. My laundry is towering for example, and I haven't had a chance to go to the movies in several weeks. That's almost criminal in my book.

I barely made it to class today. It's still not getting easier for me. I think I may be recovering faster, but that's not saying too much because I'm still so damn tired.

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