Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 34 (05/15/10)

306.6 lbs today. I'm not really surprised at that after the day of eating I had yesterday. Why can't I get my diet under control. I'm working so damn hard, but I'm sabotaging myself at the same time. Today was almost the reset day too. I stayed up late last night, and I didn't feel like getting up this morning. Black Sabbath's War Pigs woke me up, and I listened to the opening guitar riff. I just laid there and thought how cool it sounded, and I wished I could come up with something equally tough and cool sounding. Then I realized I was wasting time, and I got up to get ready for the gym. I did this mostly because I don't want to let Chris down; I should be doing this because I don't want to let me down. It feels good though when someone compliments you on a job well done, and I seem to be getting some accolades for working out so much. Now the weekend is here, and this is when my worst eating is done. I can't concentrate on just the bad. There's a solution here somewhere; I just haven't found it yet.

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