Monday, May 17, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 36 (05/17/10)

302.6 lbs this morning. It always worries me when I have such a drastic weight drop. I know that any weight I might put back on will bum me out considerably. As easy as I took it on myself yesterday, it was that much harder today. Chris said that the workouts will eventually start feeling easier for me, but apparently that's some unforeseen day many years in the future. Today felt pretty awful. I went to bed around 2 a.m., and I didn't feel like opening my eyes this morning. I even considered sleeping late at making the noon class. I thought again because that never works out for me. I always get distracted, or I'll let thoughts creep into my head that will eventually talk me out of going to class. I made it through the class, and I was pouring sweat from my pores. I have to get ready for work now; I just hope I can stay awake there.

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