Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Fat Man Diaries Day 24 (05/05/10)

302.4 lbs this morning. The accuracy is still questionable in my mind, but I accepted all the others as truth so I might as well go with this one too. I was dead-dog tired last night when I laid down to go to bed. It was one of those sucky nights when I had to toss and turn for awhile before I could fall asleep. I finally did, and it was great. I really, really didn't want to wake up today. When that alarm went off, I was so tempted to just snooze it indefinitely. I know if I did that, it would be the first leak in the dam. I don't want to start any bad habits; I only have 32 days left. I can do it; I know I can. Today is Cinco De Mayo, and I probably should be allowed a day off since I'm Mexcian. I don't think anyone would go for that though.

Today's class was particularly interesting. Chris did something different with the warm-up. Instead of just jumping rope as usual, he had has do 5 push-ups every time we messed up. That may not sound so difficult, but for a guy like me, it ain't easy. Chris also corrected my push-up technique, and it actually made it harder for me. He said it would give my muscles more work to do, and it sure as hell did. My legs are still blown out from whatever we did yesterday and the day before. It didn't help that we did more lunges and other leg intensive exercises. I still have trouble touching my toes today. Not only are my hamstrings sore and tight, but my ass is too. I could really go for a full-body, deep tissue massage. After class Chris asked me about my diet; I had to be honest and give him the bad news. I've been off my diet for days...maybe even weeks now. I'm still dropping weight, but I think it could be more significant if I were eating better. He reminded me again that I'm the only one who is responsible for my diet. Chris can help me with the exercise, but the diet is all up to me. I have 4.5 weeks to get it under control. That should be just enough time.

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